Founded in 1961, the Suffolk Cooperative Library System exists to help local public libraries provide the best in traditional and innovative public library service to all the people of Suffolk County.
Head of Adult & Information Services
In Person--Public Libraries and Community Emergency Preparedness
In Person--Public Libraries and Community Emergency Preparedness
Join us to discuss activities and programming that will help to educate your community about emergency preparedness and recovery tools.
”In-Person” Gang Activity and Human Trafficking in Suffolk County Presentation/Q&A
”In-Person” Gang Activity and Human Trafficking in Suffolk County Presentation/Q&A
This meeting is for library administration and security staff.
AtoZdatabases Demonstration
Join a representative from AtoZ Databases as they share a demo of their platform.
AtoZ Databases helps patrons find businesses, create business lists, get jobs, and find people all over the USA.
In Person--Mental Health Resources Roundtable
In Person--Mental Health Resources Roundtable
Join us to learn about the many mental health resources, programs and services available to Suffolk County residents. Also, please share questions and concerns about providing mental health resources for patrons.
PLDA Director Roundtable