Founded in 1961, the Suffolk Cooperative Library System exists to help local public libraries provide the best in traditional and innovative public library service to all the people of Suffolk County.
Performers' Showcase - Children's
Join us for the afternoon session of the 2025 Performers' Showcase where you will have the opportunity to meet performers and programmers for Children!
New Directors in NYS Resource
*In Person* CPR Kits for Library Use and Community Give-Aways
*In Person* CPR Kits for Library Use and Community Give-Aways
The American Heart Association has generously donated CPR Kits for all of the member libraries. These kits can be used for library programming and for community give-away events.
Comics Plus Training
Comics Plus Training
Soon to be available to all patrons in Suffolk County, Comics Plus is an ALWAYS AVAILABLE digital collection with thousands of titles from library-friendly publishers, curated specifically for libraries.
Home, Sweet Suffolk County Home: Property & Homes For Local History Librarians
Home, Sweet Suffolk County Home: Property & Homes For Local History Librarians
Please let us know in advance if you will need an accommodation that will make an event accessible to you.
Professional Development 1 Hour
A question often posed to Local History collections: "How old is my house?", "When was it built?", "Who once lived in it?", "What is the story of the property before it became my home?"
*In Person* Narcan Training
*In Person* Narcan Training
This training is designed for non-traditional responders and meets New York State Department of Health requirements that include recognition of opioid overdose, administration of intra-nasal NARCAN, and steps to take until EMS arrives.