"Get Moving! Physical Literacy Programs for All Ages" Webinar Presented by LILRC

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Meeting Description

What is physical literacy? Why is it a cornerstone to whole-person literacy? Why should libraries offer movement-based programs? Where do we start? The topic of physical literacy in libraries is certainly a growing and relevant trend. A survey conducted in Spring 2017 identified 97 public libraries in Canada that offer these programs (Lenstra, 2018). In addition, at least one fifth of public libraries in North America have offered some sort of exercise class (Bertot et al., 2014). Evidence also suggests that more and more school (Barack, 2015) and academic libraries (Smith, 2016) also offer these programs. This one hour multi-modal webinar includes a PowerPoint presentation, links to PDF handouts and some (optional) yoga stretches to get the audience into a body-positive state of mind. We will explore the neuroscience behind physical literacy, share case studies of what other libraries are doing (both academic and public), and offer working program models. We will also discuss how to leverage community partnerships to start and sustain these types of programs. Some of the issues to be addressed include: marketing, staff and administrative buy-in, passive vs. active programs, funding sources, legal and liability issues, training, and modifications for patrons with exceptionalities. Participation in movement-based programs is valuable regardless of talent, ability, or experience; it has been proven that to increase physical literacy increases competence in other literacies, such as emotional, textual, oral/aural, digital and visual literacies. Learning Goals: • Explore, in a fun and friendly way, the concept of physical literacy and why it is an essential skill for children, teens, adults and the elderly; and how it can be improved at any age. • Understand how programs can be designed to reach underserved and/or low-physically-literate patrons, such as those with limited mobility, sedentary lifestyles, cognitive and/or developmental disabilities, mental health issues, financial disincentives, and more. • Identify different ways successful physical literacy programs are currently being delivered in Canada, and worldwide. • See how movement-based programming builds community inclusion, which leads to an increase in mental health and resilience for both library users and staff. About the Presenter: Jenn Carson is the Director of the LP Fisher Public Library in Woodstock, NB (Canada). She is the creator of yogainthelibrary.com and blogs for the American Library Association at programminglibrarian.org. She is also the author of Get Your Community Moving: Physical Literacy Programs for All Ages (ALA Editions, 2018) and Yoga and Meditation at the Library: A Practical Guide for Librarians (Rowman & Littlefield, 2019).